1. The critiques really tore the play to pieces when it opened. 在该部戏剧上演时,当时的评论着实将其批得体无完肤。
2. Most feminist scholars find it difficult to reconcile Fern's sardonic social critiques with her effusive celebrations of many conventional values. 大多数女权主义学者发现很难将弗恩讽刺性的社会批判与她对许多传统价值的溢美之词相调和。
3. But Zizek's analysis seeks to reinscribe political meanings in ways that negate such liberal critiques. 但齐泽克的分析试图重新赋予政治意义,否定这种自由主义的批评。
4. Now there are more subtle critiques, too. 如今也出现了更为精巧的批评。
5. And this is one of the main critiques of Freud. 这也是大家对弗洛伊德的主要批评之一。