1. The scarlet ibis, like the flamingo, gains its vibrant color from carotene derived from a diet of crustaceans. 红鹮和火烈鸟一样,吃一些甲壳类动物,在体内生成胡萝卜素,就形成了它鲜艳的颜色。
2. The deep sea typically has a sparse fauna dominated by tiny worms and crustaceans, with an even sparser distribution of larger animals. 深海通常有稀疏的动物群,以微小的蠕虫和甲壳类动物为主,更大的动物分布更少。
3. The rivers feed into the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska — cold, nutrient-rich waters which support tens of millions of seabirds, and over 400 species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and mollusks. 这些河流汇入白令海和阿拉斯加湾这片寒冷而又营养丰富的水域,在这片水域里生活着数千万只海鸟、400多种鱼类、贝类、甲壳类和软体动物。
4. Temporary or meroplankton are made up of the larvae of fish, crustaceans and other marine animals. 临时或季节浮游生物是由鱼类,甲壳类动物和其他海洋动物的幼体组成的。
5. Flying fish eat plankton and small crustaceans. 飞鱼吃浮游生物和小甲壳纲的动物。