1. Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped it shut. 伯克粗略瞥了眼菜单,然后啪地合上了。
2. Her technique remained awkward, thin, and often cursory. 她的技巧仍然笨拙、单薄,而且常常很粗略。
3. Parkin's characterization of the movement as Neo-Scholastic is too cursory to be accepted without further investigation. 帕金不经过进一步的调查就将这场运动定性为新经院学派运动的行为过于草率,令人无法接受。
4. Some books are for intensive study and some are for cursory reading. 有的书必须精读,有的只要稍加涉猎即可。
5. Some of Mr Figes's judgments are cursory. 这可能是作品的一个缺憾——虽然很相称。 菲戈斯的一些论断显得有些草率。