1. She was beautiful with her smooth curves, fair skin and raven hair, holding a gold arrow in one hand and a blood red apple in the other. 她很漂亮,有着光滑的曲线、白皙的皮肤和乌黑的头发,一只手拿着一支金箭,另一只手拿着一个血红的苹果。
2. Now these segments are looking at slower growth curves—or shrinking markets in some cases—as consumers are not as eager to spend money on new gadgets. 现在,由于消费者不那么热衷于花钱购买新的小玩意,这些细分市场的增长曲线出现了放缓,在某些情况下甚至出现了市场萎缩。
3. This much is clear: we need to find ways that help us flatten the hockey-stick curves that reflect our ever-faster pace of ecological destruction and social acceleration. 有一点毋庸置疑:曲棍球杆曲线反映了我们正以愈来愈快的速度破坏生态及进行社会发展,因此我们需要找到办法来拉平这一曲线。
4. The moon curves like the bow tonight. 今晚的月亮像弓一样弯弯的。
5. Slowly and almost imperceptibly the road started to climb upwards, looping its way in languid curves around the forested hills. 道路缓慢而几乎不可察觉地开始向上攀升,在林木环绕的山丘上曲折地蜿蜒前进。