1. At the Cut-Rate Drug Store, no one colored was allowed to sit down at the counter or tables, with one exception: my father. 在廉价药店里,任何有色人种都不准坐在柜台或桌子旁,我父亲是个例外。
2. S. investors are venturing across the pond to snap up corporate bonds at cut-rate prices. 但一些胆大的美国投资者正在低价抢购大西洋彼岸的公司债券。
3. Nissan and Chevrolet are getting around sticker shock by using that federal tax credit to deliver cut-rate leases. 日产和雪佛兰正在用联邦税收抵免来提供打折租赁应对sticker shock。
4. The losers have been ordinary citizens, ousted from their homes with cut-rate compensation and scant legal recourse. 普通人一直是输家,他们被从自己家赶了出来,得到的却是打了折扣的补偿和寥寥的法律援助。
5. Even Apple, which has resisted this cut-rate trend, is offering modestly lower prices or higher specs for the same prices as before. 即便一向不愿屈从降价趋势的苹果电脑也推出了低价电脑,或者更高规格但价格不变的电脑。