1. He shielded his eyes against the dazzling declining sun. 他遮着眼睛以挡住刺眼的夕阳。
2. He marveled at the brightly illuminated replicas of the Eiffel Tower, the Manhattan skyline, the dazzling fountains of Rome. 他对那灯火通明的埃菲尔铁塔、曼哈顿的天际线和罗马炫目的喷泉的复制品惊叹不已。
3. Military researchers are looking to combine an acoustic gunshot detector with a dazzling laser that will startle shooters who take aim at American helos. 军事研究员们正在试图将声学枪响探测器与一条耀眼的激光相结合,以惊吓将美国直升机作为目标的射手。
4. He gave Alberg a dazzling smile. 他向艾尔伯格粲然一笑。
5. Victoria stood out as a dazzling nonconformist. 维多利亚以令人惊叹的异己形象而引人注目。