1. She has had two dogs debarked. 他不能接受遗弃狗狗。 他现在有两只被切除声带的狗狗。
2. For debarked trees, the volume equation for trees with barks was actually more accurate, underestimating volume at average rate of 2.3%. 尤以用带皮材积公式估算去皮材积比用去皮材积公式估计要准确,平均只小2.3%。
3. He said he has had to operate on debarked dogs after excess scar tissue built up in the throat, making it difficult for the dog to breathe. 他说他已经发现做完声带切除手术的狗在喉咙里会产生过多的疤痕组织,使狗狗呼吸变得更加困难。
4. The debarked larch trunks, which were used as multifunctional facade elements for the existing and new building, succeed in creating this aesthetical connection. 脱皮落叶松树干作为新旧建筑多功能立面的主要组成元素,成功的保持了建筑之间的美学联系。