1. If time fades away is necessary, then the problem about why there are corrupt debaucheries in this world, can be solved out. 如果说时间的流逝是必然的,那么,这个世界的沦陷,就有说的通的原因了。
2. London's response was to blame theatres for society's debaucheries and in 1596 the city banned the public performance of plays. 将社会的道德败坏归咎于剧院,这是伦敦以往的反应,1596年,伦敦城禁止了戏剧公演。
3. The result: Sights Unseen, an exhibit of 16 photos that record everything from lighthearted, everyday debaucheries to windows into more intimate secrets. 最后他们举办了一个名为“看不见的视界”的摄影展,展出的16幅照片记录了他们每天的快乐、放纵以及内心的秘密。
4. He was not one of those saints who are marked out by their phenomenal piety from childhood onwards, nor one of the other kind who forsake the world after sensational debaucheries. 他不是那种从童年开始就以其非凡的虔诚而受选的圣人,也不是那种历尽奢华后脱离红尘的圣人。