2. Some, however, are being offered double that to decamp to rivals. 不过还是有人被竞争对手以高出一倍的奖金挖走。
3. If a few financiers choose to decamp for some small island-state in search of the smallest possible tax bill, we should wish them good luck. 如果有些金融家为了寻找更低的税务账单而选择到一些小小的岛国安营扎寨的话,那么我们就祝他好运吧!
4. Consumers may decide that it is unwise to entrust all their secrets to a single online firm such as Facebook, and decamp to less insular alternatives, such as Diaspora. 消费者可能会觉得把他们的所有秘密信托给单一家如Facebook的在线公司很不明智,然后逃往不那么封闭的替代者,比如Diaspora。