1. Users and moderators vote on the posts they like or dislike, promoting or demoting them. 用户和主持人可以对他们喜欢或不喜欢的帖子投票,提升或降级它们。
2. Promoting can be done Up To Your Own Rank and Demoting can be done on Any Member Below Your Rank. 促进最多可以做您自己的排名和降级可以在任何成员低于你的等级进行。
3. The reason of Yuan Zhen's demoting to Jiangling, directly affected his mentality change and his composition of poems. 元稹被贬江陵的原因,直接影响到他在江陵后的心态转变,以及他之后的诗歌创作。
4. Rather than having to go through each and every subscription, users can either ignore articles or take an active role in removing or demoting an interest. 你不必查看所有订阅源,你可以忽略文章或手动删除兴趣,或给兴趣降级。
5. The consultancy's archive data and provisional 2008 figures show that South Africa's output reached its lowest point in a century, demoting the country to world number three, behind the US. 该机构的资料数据和2008年的初步数据显示:南非黄金产量达到一个世纪以来的最低点,成为世界第三大产金国,落后于美国。