1. Demystifying the Legend of Warren buffett. 沃伦·巴菲特传奇之解密。
2. It's such a mystery, but the NBA seems to be demystifying the whole idea. 他是如此神秘,但是NBA似乎有了解开秘密的注意。
3. For more information about table states, see Demystifying table and table space states. 有关表状态的更多信息,请参阅阐明表和表空间的状态。
4. This book makes data analysis simple by demystifying the language and whenever possible giving unambiguous ways of doing things. 这本书透过使语言非神秘化并且任何可能的情况下给做事情的不含糊的模式使数据分析简单。
5. With that in mind, this week saw the start of a series of events designed by women for women aimed at "demystifying the world of personal finance". 也正是由于这个现象,本周起开展了一系列由女性策划,服务于女性的活动,旨在“揭秘个人理财”。