1. There are dependents who need financial protection. 有些家属需要财务保护。
2. As the family increases in size, it is essential to add more insurance on the breadwinner to protect the dependents. 随着家庭规模的扩大,为养家糊口的人增加保险以保护其家属是有必要的。
3. There was no clear explanation for the delay in the handover of the suspects to police, other than it involved rules between Washington and Tokyo covering U.S. forces and their dependents in Japan. 除了华盛顿与东京之间协定的关于驻日美军及其家属的相关条款外,对于为何延迟将嫌疑人移交给警方,尚未给出明确的解释。
4. Jerry is single and has no dependents. 杰里单身,没有需要照顾的家眷。
5. Although her parents were insured by Thailand's Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme, this scheme only covers dependents up to the age of 20. 尽管她的父母参加了泰国公务员医疗受益方案的保险,但该方案只涵盖20岁以下的受扶养人。