1. All the contributors were of African descent. 所有捐助者都是非洲血统。
2. Britain has always been the principal source—ninety percent of Australians are of British descent, and Britain has provided one million migrants since the Second World War. 英国一直是澳大利亚移民的主要来源国——90%的澳大利亚人是英国后裔,自二战以来,英国已经提供了100万移民。
3. There is a gradual descent to the sea. 有一片斜坡缓缓伸延到海边。
4. The plane began its descent to Heathrow. 飞机开始向希思罗机场降落。
5. He traces his line of descent from the Stuart kings. 他的家族可追溯到斯图亚特王朝。