1. In another called in vivo desensitization, they are exposed, while awake, to what may be haunting them in their sleep. 在另一个被称为体内脱敏现象中,在清醒状态下,他们被暴露在他们睡梦中缠扰着他们的东西前。
2. May have some desensitization over time. 可能有一些脱敏随着时间的推移。
3. Desensitization therapy with real distinction. 与真实脱敏疗法有区别。
4. I'll give you some courses of desensitization therapy. 我会给您做几个疗程的脱敏治疗。
5. It's only after desensitization that patients can take this medicine. 病人必须先脱敏,然后才能服用这种药物。