1. This is the time for democrats and not dictators. 这是民主主义者而不是独裁者的时代。
2. In Experiment 1, the economic system was primed by the task to judge the value of money, and the dictators were found more likely to show self-regarding behavior under this circumstance. 实验一呈现给被试一些金钱图片或面孔图片,要求被试判断金钱的面值或面孔的性别,从而分别启动分配者脑中的经济系统和社会系统。
3. An important feature of this particular experiment, however, was the addition of a "production phase," which was designed to motivate dictators to distribute money based on individual achievement. 这个实验的一个重要的特点是增加了一个生产阶段,这个阶段鼓励孩子们根据个人表现分配收入。