1. For adapting the level and scale of high college teaching, it is necessary to digitalize library in college. 为适应高等院校的办学层次与办学规模,高等院校图书馆向数字化图书馆转化是必然的。
2. VoIP( Voice over IP), i. e. IP phone, tries to digitalize voice, compress and transmit it through IP networks. 即IP电话,是将话音编码、压缩转换成数据包,在IP网络中进行传输的技术。
3. A useful attempt is made in this thesis to digitalize the production and operation of power supply enterprises. 为供电企业实现生产、运行数字化进行了有益尝试。
4. Digitalize the composite characteristic curve, such as the digital input and accurate extraction of data during the performing. 综合特性曲线的数字化,包括曲线的数字化输入和在程序运行过程中对曲线信息的精确提取。
5. The Digital Time is meant to digitalize all kinds of information , and the information propagated broadly through information sharing and information transportation. 数字化时代就是将各种各样的信息进行数字化,并通过网络资源共享和数字信息传输技术广泛传播。