1. It has also led to the discrediting of mainstream macroeconomics. 它还使得人们对主流宏观经济学产生了怀疑。
2. But at the end of the summer 1991, an alarm bell started to ring, discrediting the phenomenon. 但是在1991年夏末,一个打扰警铃开始响起,有了不信怀疑的现象。
3. I was a little perplexed, because it was a total threat, after all, to talk about the discrediting of us. 我有点窘迫,毕竟这完全就是一个威胁,居然谈论对我们的怀疑。
4. But, as the prosecutors who put Craxi on trial protested, it also means discrediting them and the judges who convicted him. 但是,那些起诉Craxi的公诉人反对,因为这意味着他们以及给Craxi定罪的审判官名誉扫地。
5. Discrediting is unfair allegation in industrial and commercial activities for the purpose of affecting other parties 'interests. 商业诋毁是工商业活动中旨在影响他人利益关系的不公正说法。