1. Insight and creativity, perhaps even genius, do seem to be linked to a brain that can disorganise itself and freewheel, making new and unexpected connections. 洞察力、创造力甚至还有天才似乎真地和一个能够“瓦解'自我、无拘无束思考、建立意料之外新连接的大脑有关联。”
2. By means of them, the sufferer's conscience had been kept in an irritated state, the tendency of which was, not to cure by wholesome pain, but to disorganise and corrupt his spiritual being. 凡此种种,使那个受苦人的良心始终处于一种烦躁状态,长此以往,不但不会以有益健康的痛苦治愈他,反而会紊乱和腐蚀他的精神生命。