1. I was once in a meeting where somebody not in the meeting sent an IM to the person sharing his desktop, that disparaged one of the other meeting participants. 我曾在参与的一个会议中看到,某个没有参会的人向共享桌面的人发送了一条即时信息,其中对某个参加会议的人有不敬之词。
2. She disparaged her student's efforts. 她轻视她的学生做出的努力。
3. The mavericks described in Mavericks at Work are to be admired and imitated, not disparaged . 不过, 《用怪人之道》一书中描写的特立独行之人将会受到敬佩和模仿,而不是遭到蔑视。
4. Finally, she disparaged his physical attributes, adding that 'I am surprised Jackie stayed with me for so long. 最后,她还着意对丈夫的身体素质贬低了一番,说我很奇怪杰姬居然跟我在一起这么长时间。
5. The Academy Awards have also been disparaged for having a bias towards certain types of accomplishments and film genres. 学院奖也被指对某些特殊的电影成就和某种特殊的电影类型存在歧视。