1. So disproving it's her pancreas proves it's her brain? 所以排除了胰腺问题等于证明了大脑问题?
2. Notice that there is no way of disproving this statement. 这儿的陈述是无法证伪的。
3. But the funny thing about reality is that it's always disproving the most logical theories. 但是滑稽的事关于现实是它总是反驳最逻辑的理论。
4. And I think what's so wonderful about the Arab Spring is that it's disproving that assumption. 我认为有关阿拉伯春天的美妙的是,它的驳斥这种假设。
5. We have no way of proving or disproving these claims so we offer them here as a stimulus for further research. 我们还没有方法来证实或反驳这些结论,因此我们在此为大家列出以激励进一步的研究。