2. Disqualifications - An all white dog or a dog with no white. 任何全白的狗或没有白色的狗都属于失格。
3. Yet all of these disqualifications evaporated when Astaire danced. 然而,当他飘然起舞时,所有这些不足之处也就烟消云散了。
4. Overshot more than3/16 inch and undershot more than1/8 inch are disqualifications. 上超咬合超过3/6英寸和下超咬合超过1/英寸要被取消比赛资格。
5. The 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, were marred by disqualifications over performance-enhancing drug use. 奥林匹克运动历史瞬间图片。 1988年奥运会在汉城,南韩,分别受到取消资格的绩效,提高药物使用。