1. She's covering something up, and it's that freakish, disqualifying digit. 她在掩饰什么;就是那个怪异的、无用的脚趾。
2. Fall, however, Suharto did, in 1998, disqualifying Indonesia's recent history as a serviceable model for Than Shwe. 然而,苏哈托在1998年确实跨了,使得印尼的近代历史无以成为丹瑞有用的模范。
3. In some situations, disqualifying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official. 在有些情况下,取消资格的偏见可通过环境证据而非根据官员的公开陈述得到证明。
4. This time it showed its teeth, disqualifying 24 candidates, including both allies and opponents of Mr Karzai, who between them took 10% of the available seats. 这一次委员会真的出招了,它革除了24位胜选候选人的议席,其中有卡尔扎伊的盟友也有反对者,而在这两派之间的议员则占了10%的议席。
5. If it is consistent it will judge poll-fraud allegations by the same yardstick, disqualifying elected members only if their rule-breaking may have altered the results. 如果它是始终如一的话,那么它会以同样的标准来判断选举德欺诈行为,只有当这些当选议员们破坏规则的行为改变了结果的时候,才能取消他们的资格。