1. Type 2: Comments showing dissatisfactions about teachers. 类型二:对老师们表现不满。
2. Are your dissatisfactions related to the content of your work your company culture or the people with whom you work? 你不满意的是你工作的内容,公司文化,还是公司同事呢?
3. Yet the fall in the fertility rate may reflect dissatisfactions too: notably, over the difficulties faced by women who want both to work and to raise a family. 但是生育率的下降也反映出一些不满情绪:最显著的是既要工作又要顾家的妇女面临的重重困难。
4. While improving the efficiency and economy of litigation, the admission system could also absorb the almost dissatisfactions of the parties and protect the fairness in procedure. 自认制度在提高诉讼效率和经济性的同时,还可以最大限度地吸收当事人的不满,确保程序公正。
5. Yes, the manager has an obligation to listen to your gripes and dissatisfactions, but to dominate the conversation with these messages absolutely affects your work's value in the manager's eyes. 虽然,经理有义务去聆听你的不满意和抱怨。但是,总是主动和经理谈论这些问题无疑会影响你在他们眼里的工作价值。