1. A smoke bomb created a diversion while the robbery took place. 劫案发生时,一枚烟雾弹转移了人们的视线。
2. Thou'lt find it good diversion. 你会发现这是一种很好的消遣。
3. Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, and brought news of the outside world. 陌生人和旅行者是受欢迎的消遣来源,他们带来了外面世界的新闻。
4. Some American Indian tribes have also established water rights through the courts based on their traditional diversion and use of certain waters prior to the United States' acquisition of sovereignty. 一些美洲印第安部落也通过法院确立了水权,其依据是在美国获得主权之前他们对某些水资源的传统的转移和使用。
5. We made a short diversion to go and look at the castle. 我们绕了一小段路去参观城堡。