1. Doormen often wear elaborate uniforms that are meant to give the hotel an elegant note. 门童通常穿着精致的制服,给宾馆一种优雅的感觉。
2. At a nearby hotel one of the doormen buttons Porter's top shirt button and slips on his clip-on tie. 附近一家旅馆的门卫替他扣上衬衣最上面一粒纽扣,戴上用别针别上的领带。
3. On that morning of November 28, 2008, bargain-hungry crowds were staring down guards and doormen across America. 在2008年11月28日的那天早上,在全美各地,对打折趋之若鹜的人们双眼紧盯得保安和门卫都不敢与他们对视。
4. Security guards dressed as five-star-hotel doormen keep them in order before the sales centre opens for the first time. 警卫们穿着类似五星级酒店门卫的制服,毕恭毕敬站在售楼中心门口以迎接开盘的第一波买房热潮。
5. Throughout your trip, get to know the front desk clerks, doormen, concierge, and valets and chat with them as you can. 在整个旅程中,你可以去认识前台的工作人员,看门人或服务员,然后跟他们聊天。