1. What kind of double talk was this? 这是一种什么样的模棱两可的话呢?
2. We developed a low complexity echo canceller suitable for double talk cases on DSP TMS320DM642. 以TMS320 DM 642定点DSP为平台,实现了一种低复杂度并适应双端会话情况的回声抵消器。
3. My wife was quite convinced by what the salesman told her, but to me it was just a lot of double talk. 我太太很相信推销员对她说的话,但我认为那只是花言巧语而已。
4. The double talk detector computes a squared norm of the filter weight vector and detects an increase of the squared norm in order to detect double-talk status. 本发明提供一种双方交谈侦测方法与装置,可应用在一回音消除系统中侦测一双方交谈状态之通讯系统中。
5. Someone asked the candidate whether he'd vote to cut our taxes. He gave the crowd a lot of double talk which left us arguing afterwards whether his answer was yes or no. 有人问候选人他是否会赞成为我们减锐。他说了一大堆模棱两可的话,叫大家事后不断争论他究竟回答了是还是否。