1. The unclear background definitely contributes to that dreaminess. 模糊的背景肯定是造成这种梦幻感的原因。
2. He slept for a while and lapsed into dreaminess. 他睡了一会儿就堕入恍忽迷离的境界。
3. Sometimes clouds are combined with thought bubbles to invoke feelings of dreaminess. 有时云状物和“思维泡泡”联合起来,会产生一种梦幻的感到。
4. There was a dreaminess, a preoccupation, an exaltation, in the maternal look which the girl could not understand. 在母亲的脸上,有一种女儿不明白的朦胧恍馏、心不在焉和洋洋得意的神情。
5. Just like a serpent which has crept on one's lap has to be quickly thrown away, so also, when dreaminess comes it must at once be discarded. 就像悄悄爬上你大腿的毒蛇必须尽快甩掉,所以,同样的,当梦般的状态来临,你也必须立刻将它抛开。