2. But with the advent of the drip-dry shirt and the frozen breakfast burrito, it became possible for any fellow, no matter how dometical1y challenged, to get out of the house on his own. 但是,伴随着随洗随干的免烫衬衫及冷冻的墨西哥馅饼早餐的出现,任何一个再不会做家事的家伙,都能够靠着一己之力打点一切,然后出门上班。
3. Simply place a dry coffee filter in a clean drip coffee filter basket or colander, and place the basket or colander over a clean dry pitcher or bowl. 只需将一个干的咖啡滤纸放在干净的滤器中,然后将滤器放在干的干净水罐或碗上即可。
4. Mr. Chiara is careful not to scrub the jeans or move them around vigorously. He just lets them soak for 20 minutes before hanging them by the belt loops to drip dry. 查拉很小心地不去搓揉牛仔裤,也不用力搅拌,只是泡上20分钟,然后勾住皮带环把裤子挂起来沥干。
5. He just lets them soak for 20 minutes before hanging them by the belt loops to drip dry. 他只是让他们浸泡20分钟,然后勾住皮带把他们晾干。