1. Her new business has turned out a nice little earner. 她新开的商店结果还真有点赚钱呢。
2. Tourism is the country's top earner of foreign currency. 旅游业是该国外汇收入最高的行业。
3. Tourism is the country's biggest foreign currency earner. 旅游业是这个国家赚取外汇最多的行业。
4. Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families. 在每小时工资处于或低于最低工资水平的数百万人中,绝大多数来自有多收入者、相对富裕的家庭。
5. As a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback—a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick. 因此,它们已经失去了在经济萧条时期曾经持有的“保护伞”——一个后备挣钱者(通常是母亲),她可以在主要挣钱者失业或者病倒的时候出去工作。