1. Draw up a list of the efficiencies to be promised. 列出一份承诺的效率清单。
2. There was much debate on the relative efficiencies of different types of waterwheels. 关于不同类型水车的相对效率有很多争论。
3. Some of her clients' sales have declined, but she's found new clients and improved efficiencies to help sustain the company's double-digit growth. 她的一些客户的销售额下降了,但她找到了新客户,提高了效率,帮助公司维持了两位数的增长。
4. We are looking at our business to see where savings and efficiencies can be made. 我们正在研究我们的经营情况,看是否有可以节约和提高功效的地方。
5. Steve Goeser, President and CEO of Methodist Hospital, said the collaboration will generate efficiencies for both organizations. 卫理公会医院的总裁兼首席执行官史蒂夫·戈瑟说,这次合作将为两个组织提高效率。