1. Embedded in this short history is all the elusiveness of human identity; 上述简短的历史回顾说明,准确识别人类身份并不容易;
2. Mr Osborne's elusiveness would matter less, were the gap between his public profile and his influence smaller. 如果奥斯本先生的公共形象和他的影响力没有如此显著的差异的话,他的不为人知也就不那么重要了。
3. Embedded in this short history is all the elusiveness of human identity; each new advance reveals the flaws in earlier systems. 上述简短的历史回顾说明,准确识别人类身份并不容易;每一个新的进展都能揭示出旧系统中的缺点。
4. Hence the strange facelessness, transparency, and elusiveness of power, hence the blandness of its language, the anonymity of its decisions. 于是,这权力令人奇怪地面目模糊,没有形体,令人无法捉摸,它的语言平淡无味,它的决定不知由谁作出。
5. Such elusiveness is an anomaly in the gear-fanatical global soccer culture that feeds the merchandising frenzy surrounding the Cup every four years. 这样的躲躲藏藏在热衷运动装备的世界足球文化中是个异数,而正是这种文化推动着围绕着四年一度世界杯而展开的销售热潮。