1. "It's not just an escape," said Keith Oatley, a professor emeritus of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto. 多伦多大学认知心理学名誉教授基思·奥特利说:“这不仅仅是一种逃避。”
2. He will continue as chairman emeritus. 他将会继续担任荣誉主席。
3. Chris Argyris is the Professor of Education and Organizational Behavior Emeritus at Harvard University. 克里斯·阿吉里斯是哈佛大学教育与组织行为的荣誉教授。
4. Dr T. Colin Campbell is a professor emeritus at Cornell University. 坎贝尔博士是康奈尔大学的荣誉教授。
5. Larry Cuban, emeritus professor, Stanford University School of education. 美国斯坦福大学教育学院的名誉教授拉里。古巴。