1. Red meats are among the biggest and most notorious emitters, but trucking a salad from California to Minnesota in January also carries a significant burden. 红色肉类是最大、最臭名昭著的排放源之一,但一月份从加利福尼亚州向明尼苏达州运送沙拉也带来了相当重的负担。
2. South Korea is one of the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters. 韩国的是世界上最大的温室气体排放国之一。
3. We are also the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. 我们也是全球最大的两个温室气体排放国。
4. By July 2012, it will begin to weigh smaller emitters, but none under 50, 000 tons. 一年之后(2012年7月),EPA则将会把更小型的排放者纳入其中,但排量标准仍在50000吨以上。
5. That leaves out two of the world's fastest growing carbon emitters, India and China. 而碳排放量增长最快的两个国家中国和印度没有做出承诺。