1. Start by empathizing and end by advocating. 开口语气要中肯强调,结束要拥护支持。
2. She's too busy empathizing with whatever they're experiencing in their lives. 她对客人们生活中的体验进行移情都忙不过来。
3. Today, I had my wisdom teeth pulled, so as empathizing with me, my mother bought me a milkshake. 今天我去拔了智齿。妈妈很心疼,就给我买了杯奶昔。
4. Being filial to our uncles is in turn empathizing with our parents, which is to be filial to our parents. 而孝顺伯叔诸舅,就是善体亲心,更是孝顺父母了。
5. The best approach, the kind truth method, involves honestly empathizing with the manager's situation, and expressing that empathy. 最佳的做法是“善意真相”方式﹐这要求员工设身处地为上司考虑﹐并表达出这种感受。