1. Unfortunately, they took up empire-building at precisely the moment when the costs of imperialism began to exceed the benefits. 不幸的是,他们开始扩张疆域的时间恰好处于帝国主义的成本开始大于其效益的这一节点。
2. The dense timber was shipped around the world and used for such empire-building projects as lining the Suez Canal and, after world War II, for rebuilding London's Tilbury Docks. 密纹木材被运往全世界,用于修筑苏伊士运河这样的帝王建筑项目,以及在二战以后,用于建设伦敦的蒂尔·伯里码头。
3. Sadly for the telecoms firms, bottom-fishing for distressed assets rarely worked, and investors vetoed empire-building deals involving mature assets that yielded few cost synergies. 可悲的电信公司,对那些贬值的资产抄底很少奏效,而投资者否决涉及到成熟资产的扩张交易,它们几乎不产生协同成本。
4. The urge to merge was driven by globalisation deregulation the need to reduce costs and the desire to gain critical mass not to mention chief executives 'penchant for empire-building . 推动并购的因素包括全球化、监管放松、降低成本的必要性以及实现质变的愿望,更不用提首席执行官们打造帝国的偏好了。
5. The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline. 帝国大厦是人们熟悉的纽约高楼大厦中的地标。