1. To dance with dream-enfranchised feet. 梦想解放出它们的双脚,舞蹈不停。
2. In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918. 1918年英国妇女失掉议会选举权。
3. In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918. 1918年英国妇女获得议会选举权。
4. If the city's foreign residents are enfranchised, they won't be able to vote until 1996. 如果该市的外国居民获得选举权,他们要到1996年才能投票。
5. Men in urban areas who met the property qualification were enfranchised and the Act roughly doubled the electorate in England and Wales from one to two million men. 符合财产资格市区男性获赋投票权,英格兰与威尔士选民在法案下约增一倍,从一百万到二百万人。