1. This pattern of human rights violations against enslaved African-Americans continued under racial segregation for nearly another century. 这种对被奴役的非洲裔美国人侵犯人权的模式在种族隔离下延续了近一个世纪。
2. George was born to an enslaved African mother. 乔治的母亲是一位非洲奴隶。
3. They'd been enslaved and had to do what they were told. 他们已经沦为奴隶,不得不唯命是从。
4. It would be a tragedy if both sexes were enslaved to the god of work. 如果男女两性都被工作所束缚,那将会是一场悲剧。
5. His primary duty was to catechize the recently enslaved. 他的主要职责是盘问新近被奴役的人。