1. Perhaps the biggest challenge will be to pick apart and permanently entomb what remains within the rickety shelter. 也许最大的困难还是去拆解并永久性埋葬摇摇欲坠的旧掩体中的那些残骸。
2. Lava flows can then build new land in the ocean-as in the case of hawaii-or entomb whole cities, as in the case of Pompeii in A. d. 其熔岩流可以在海洋中形成一个新岛屿,比如夏威夷,又或是湮灭整座城市,就像在公元79年湮灭庞贝城一样。
3. Learn to live with uncertainty and then you won't need to shrink the sphere of your activities and interests in order to entomb yourself in certainty. 学习在不确定你不会再缩小范围,你需要和利益的活动为了让自己埋藏确定性。
4. Among plant employees and firefighters at Chernobyl, many volunteered to try to tame, and then entomb, the burning reactor - although it is not clear that all were told the truth about the risks. 在切尔诺贝利核电站的工作人员和当地的消防队员中有许多人志愿去处理燃烧的反应堆-虽然不知道他们是否被事先告知这样做的风险。