1. He deprecated the low quality of entrants to the profession. 他抨击了行业中的滥竽充数。
2. State rail firms have the ability to foil smaller rivals and new entrants. 国家铁路企业有能力击败小的竞争对手和新进入行业者。
3. PepsiCo of the US and Unilever of the UK have become the latest foreign entrants in China's competitive bottled tea market. 美国的百事可乐和英国的联合利华已成为进入中国竞争激烈的瓶装茶市场中最新的两家外国企业。
4. Use the entrants log sheet to keep track of personnel entering and leaving confined space. 使用进入者日志表来跟踪人员进入并留出有限的空间。