1. Most episodes of absent-mindedness—forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just entered a room are caused by a simple lack of attention. 大多数健忘的发作——忘记你把东西放在哪里了,或者忘记你进入一个房间是想干嘛——都是由简单的缺乏注意力引起的。
2. The movie is just a rehash of the best TV episodes. 这部电影不过是把电视剧里最精彩的几集改编了一下。
3. Jon featured in one of the show's most thrilling episodes. 乔恩主演了该剧中最惊悚的几集之一。
4. Three episodes have been telescoped into a single programme. 三集的内容被浓缩成了一个单独的节目。
5. One of the funniest episodes in the book occurs in Chapter 6. 书中最有趣的片段之一在第6章。