1. The salt crystallizes as the water evaporates. 盐在水分蒸发时结晶。
2. Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric so that it evaporates. 湿气被吸到织物表面而蒸发。
3. As the water evaporates, a crust of salt is left on the surface of the soil. 水蒸发后,土壤表面留下一层盐。
4. Endogenous rivers often do not reach the sea but drain into inland basins, where the water evaporates or is lost in the ground. 内源河流通常不会流入大海,而是流入内陆盆地;在那里,水会蒸发或流失到地下。
5. The water evaporates and the salts are left behind, creating a white crustal layer that prevents air and water from reaching the underlying soil. 水蒸发留下盐分,形成白色的地壳层,阻止空气和水进入下面的土壤。