1. Even as he also fainted he saw that the water was rising. 虽然他也晕过去了,但他看到水还在上涨。
2. Even as a satire, it seems disgusting and shocking in America with its child-centered culture. 即使是作为一种讽刺,在以儿童为中心的美国文化中,它也显得令人厌恶和震惊。
3. It seemed an unending journey, but even as a six-year-old girl I realized that knowing reading is of vital importance. 这似乎是一段永无止境的旅程,但即使是一个六岁的女孩,我也意识到阅读十分重要。
4. Hotel owners found themselves with a huge number of empty rooms even as a lot of unnecessary new hotels were ready to open. 酒店老板们发现,尽管许多本不必建造的新酒店正准备开业,即使他们酒店仍有大量的空房间。
5. Norman spent most of his time from age 7-17 on the farm, even as he attended a one-room, one-teacher school at New Oregon in Howard County. 从7岁到17岁,诺曼的大部分时间都在农场度过,甚至是当他在新俄勒冈州霍华德县的一所只有一间教室和一名教师的学校上学的时候。