1. These are the days of dispossession, the season of homelessness, the time of evictions. 现在是强占豪夺的日子,是无家可归的季节,是被撵出家门的时候。
2. Jewish settlers in other parts of the West Bank have vowed to resist any further evictions. 约旦河西岸其它地区的犹太定居者表示,一定要抵制任何进一步的撤离。
3. The company has not addressed how many homeowners would be affected by its suspension of evictions and foreclosure sales. 公司没有算出有多少私房屋主将受到暂停收回和丧失抵押品赎回权出售的影响。
4. REMOCA is implemented within the virtual machine monitor, by intercepting guest events such as page evictions and disk accesses. REMOCA 运行在虚拟机管理器中, 其基本工作原理是截获并处理虚拟机的页面淘汰、磁盘访问等事件。
5. The head of the group says organizers can, and should, stage major events such as the Olympics without evictions, criminalizing homelessness, or making housing unaffordable for people living nearby. “住房权利与强迫拆迁中心”的负责人说,组织者在举办像奥运会这样的重大活动时,能够而且应该避免强迫拆迁、把无家可归视为犯罪,或使附近居民无法承受住房费用。