1. Asked what he envied most about a colleague who resigned in February, Mr Solbes quipped that it was being an ex-minister. 当他离职时被问到他最羡慕的是什么时,他嘲弄说他最羡慕他的一个在2月就离职了的同事。
2. Despite finding each other “mutually unbearable”, as one European ex-foreign minister puts it, the two have found a way to get along. 欧洲的一位前外长曾说,这两位觉得“彼此无法忍受”,但是尽管如此,他们居然找到了相处之道。
3. He asked (6) Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told him that (7) his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. 当他问Mr . Lane是否住在那儿时,值班警察告诉他自从落选后,前首相已经出国了。
4. The former minister has been making himself unpopular recently, sniping at his ex-colleagues. 前任部长由于抨击他以前的同事最近不太受欢迎。
5. Prison ministry volunteers play an important role in helping the prison chaplain minister to inmates. Two ex-inmates share with us their experience with the prison volunteers. 监狱探访义工对于监狱院牧的牧民工作起了很大的作用。本集内有两位前囚犯为大家现身说法。