1. She gets very upset if I exclude her from anything. 如果有什么事我将她排除在外,她就会非常难过。
2. We should not exclude the possibility of negotiation. 我们不应该排除谈判的可能性。
3. I cannot entirely exclude the possibility that some form of pressure was applied to the neck. 我不能完全排除有些压力作用到了颈部的可能性。
4. In the end, it's all learning, but many children today exclude themselves from a scientific education. 最终,这一切都是在学习,但在今天,许多孩子拒绝接纳科学教育。
5. The least we should expect is that they do not foster divisions and exclude those who are already disadvantaged. 我们至少应该期待的是,它们不会助长分裂,也不会排斥那些已经处于不利地位的人。