1. Need to cool something extra-fast? New research suggests that lasers might do the trick. 需要急速冷却东西吗?新的研究表明激光也许能解决这一难题。
2. What's more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050. 此外,发展中国家对动物产品的需求增长如此之快,以至于到2050年时每年将需要额外增加3亿吨谷物才能满足需求。
3. But when a person drinks in large quantities and fast and the water consumed does not contain extra electrolytes, the cell maintenance system can not handle the level of sodium dilution that occurs. 但当一个人狂饮暴饮大量不含额外电解质的水,细胞的组织系统对被稀释了的钠就素手无措了。
4. We seem to have focused a lot on 'cheap' and 'good' but the extra time we need to invest to also keep it 'fast' comes out of our own pockets. 我们似乎太多的专注在“便宜”和“优质”,用来保持“迅捷”所需的额外时间都来之我们自己的腰包。
5. And then I'll call fast Max val passing at this extra argument of the memo. 然后我会调用快速maxval函数,而它是基于这个额外变量memo的。