1. Extracting information about the large-scale composition of a planet from a sample weighing a millionth of a gram was a fascinating example of scientific endeavour. 从重量为百万分之一克的样品中提取有关行星宏观组成的信息是一个极为有趣的科学尝试实例。
2. By extracting water from the detector's chamber, the detector's surface becomes a concave hemisphere. 通过从探测器的舱室中提取水分,探测器表面形成一个凹半球。
3. On a recent weekday, they sprayed smoke on the hotel terrace to calm the bees before extracting honey. 在最近的一个工作日,他们在提取蜂蜜之前,在酒店的露台上喷烟来让蜜蜂平静下来。
4. Dr. Gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial DNA from the feces of two volunteers. 吉尔博士和他的研究小组是通过提取两位志愿者粪便中的细菌 DNA 后得出这一结论的。
5. The spike might have helped in extracting meat from snails, a popular Roman food, and the spatula invoking sauce out of narrow-necked bottles. 长钉可以用来挑出蜗牛肉,这是一种流行的罗马食物,而抹刀可以从窄颈瓶中提取调味酱。