1. The slabs then go to a fabricator to be cut again, shaped and polished. 砖,然后去一个再次被削减,塑造和打磨的制造者。
2. The especially personal website is also the reaction of the fabricator character. 特别是个人网站更是制作者个性的反应。
3. A basic 3D printer, also known as a fabricator or “fabber”, now costs less than a laser printer did in 1985. 一台简单的3D打印机(又名“编织机”),现在比1985年的激光机还便宜。
4. A discussion of what technology challenges face the fabricator in creating high-layer count, large format back panels. 本文探讨印制板生产厂商在形成高层数大规格背板时将面临一些什么样的技术挑战。
5. There will be no need for factories, goes the logic, when every village has a fabricator that can produce items when needed. 当每一个村庄都拥有一台按需打印生产的“编织机”,世界将不再需要工厂。