2. Assignments in early quartos and First Folio texts will use Internet texts and facsimiles. 早期的四开本和首页对折文章的作业将使用因特网正文和传真。
3. During a recent trip to Chengdu, though, I found a traditional cuisine broader, stranger and tastier than its facsimiles around the world. 但是最近我在成都之旅中发现,正宗的川菜与它在世界各地的仿品相比,菜色更多,更独特,也更好吃。
4. THE HOST: And churches are being built, not real churches, but I suppose facsimiles of churches. Some of them being built in shopping malls. 主持人:而且他们还在修建教堂,但不是真正的教堂,我想那只是精致的复制品,有些甚至被建在购物中心里面。
5. Readers are provided with high resolution color facsimiles and are encouraged to freely browse, download and share all the materials available. 读者可看到高分辨率的有色,复写,而且可自由浏览,下载,分享免费资源。