2. They smiled at one another, somewhat falsely. 他们相互微笑,有点假惺惺地。
3. Thou wast under oath, and so swore falsely when thou saidst the value was but eightpence. 你是发过誓的,所以当你说那值八便士的时候,你就起了假誓。
4. If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flattering image—which most did—they genuinely believed it was really how they looked. 如果被试者很快选择了一张比本人好看的虚假照片——大多数人都这么选了——那他们打心底相信这张照片就是他们真实的样子。
5. So far from admitting his own mistake, he falsely accused his critic. 他非但不认错,还倒打一耙。